Email Marketing Results for Your Business
Get $42 return for every $1 spent on email marketing
We show you how every step of the way
Get FREE cutting edge email promotion tips that build an email list, establishes trust, cements loyalty, and generates constant sales
Why Email Is Important for Your Business
If you’re a small business owner, likely you already know about the importance of email as part of an effective marketing strategy.
Creating and maintaining an email sales strategy is crucial for any businesses sustained success. In the marketing industry it is said “The money is in the list.” It is where the gold is inside a business if developed and nurtured the right way.
A marketing campaign without email to maximize its value is a big disadvantage to a business.
With the right email strategies and best marketing practices statistics show that there is a $42 return for every $1 spent on email marketing.
Unfortunately, most small businesses and business startups don’t have the time to put an email content marketing plan together, find the tools to make it effective, and do the actual work to reap the tremendous rewards from it. Often, they just don’t know how and usually think it will cost them too much money to implement. On the contrary, with an automatic email sales promotion system its very affordable and can build a loyal and responsive customer list that boosts sales greatly.
What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is simply the sending of an email to a group of people that have given the sender permission to send them communication through the electronic means of the internet. It should only be used to send communications to persons that have voluntary placed their name on your list or have given you specific permission for you to place them on a list to received information periodically.
Email marketing Has a Long, Dependable, and Profitable History and Will Continue To Grow
Email for marketing purposes, is not a new concept. In fact, it’s one of the oldest forms of internet communication and has been around for over 40 years. And it has been proven to be one of the best marketing tactics for return on investment.
With more than 306 billion emails being sent and received every day, if your business isn’t taking advantage of this powerful and massive marketing channel, then you are missing out on a highly effective way to reach your target audience.
If you are already implementing an email strategy in your overall marketing system, the question becomes how can you stand out from the crowd and gain the attention of your target audience? View the video to the right to find out how.
Unlock The Secrets to Building Your business With Email
Creating a successful email sales campaign isn’t difficult, but it does require you to do more than just send out an occasional newsletter or email every once in a while.
Unfortunately, many businesses still haven’t taken advantage of this powerful marketing tool for their business. The benefits of well planned and implemented email sales promotions are huge.
If you don’t currently have an email strategy for your business, you’re missing out on reaching your audience and generating more leads and sales.
Here are just some of the benefits you are missing out on if you don’t or aren’t participating in email use for your business:
Email Marketing Strategy
Your business is most effective and profitable when it has email as a part of its content marketing strategy. It should have a goal in place that leads to a predetermined outcome like the number of new customers desired or the number of sales within a period of time.
If it is based on sales it should also include the amount of sales it should generate and what percentage of repeat sales current customers will generate and the steps your business will take to make those things happen.
Here’s An Easy and Free Way to Jump Start Your Email Campaign System
Download our FREE checklist to show you how to build an email list and create successful email sales campaigns. Fill in the form and click on "Get Email Checklist." Your FREE email marketing checklist will be sent to you. You'll also get our FREE Small Business Reporter Newsletter with best results marketing updates, the latest apps to make operating your business easy, and lots of free business tool resources that save you money.
Email Marketing Example
Email: The 800 Pound Gorilla of Content Marketing
Content marketing is most effective when delivered in different forms. One of the most effective ways to deliver content is through the use of email.
Research and evidence supports the wisdom of using email for marketing.

I Can Help Make Email Marketing Work For You
Wouldn’t you like to boost your profits 2x’s or 3x’s more? That’s what email can do for your business.
You don’t have to do it. I can do it for you by acting as your personal email marketing agent. Part of our services include being an email promotion company that designs and implements an effective email strategy just for your business operation.
We offer affordable marketing and other services that can help you create an effective and powerful email list if you don’t already have one or enhance and monetize an email list that you already have. Either way, you need to make email part of your business profit building efforts.
I will work with you to develop and implement an email strategy system that is tailored to get results.
My goal is to help as many small businesses I can to take advantage of the power and game changing results of using email in their business. Book a Free call and lets talk about getting you started now.

About Roy Landers
Business Lawyer and Content Marketer
Doing business with us means you have a small business attorney and a business development strategist on your team that get results.
For more than 30 years I've been a successful small business attorney and innovative entrepreneur. My background includes holding licenses and operating businesses in:
- Licensed Real Estate Broker - nationally and in Mexico
- Licensed General Engineering Contractor
- Licensed Insurance Broker
- Marketing Agency Owner/Operator
- Certificated College Professor -(Business, Real Estate, Insurance,)
- Accountant for International Gas Turbine Manufacturer (a Div. of Caterpillar)
- Product developer and marketer for several consumer products
- Served as Judge Pro Tem within the California Court System.
My motto is "we don't succeed unless you do"

A Bit of History About Me
I was born on a cold wintry night in November in a little shanty shack in the country fields of the State of Texas. I am one of eight children raised by a mother with a sixth grade education.
We were "dirt poor" and without much of a future based on the circumstances we lived in.
However, my siblings and I were fortunate. My mother, while not well educated, was extremely smart. She knew the importance of an education and she determined that she would do whatever was necessary to make sure her children did not lack for food and would have an educational opportunity.
She was a domestic worker and washed windows, scrubbed floors and took whatever jobs came her way.
At the age of 5 my father walked away from us and never came back. Mom was alone and struggled to keep us all together and comfortable. She did a great job because I grew up never realizing how poor I was because she sheltered us as best she could.
One of the best things that happened to me is a mother who absolutely would not allow any of her children to give up. The word "can't" just wasn't allowed. That was the driving force that kept me going as well as her strength and leadership.
We Concentrate on Delivering Profits and Protection to Small Businesses
Helping small businesses to find and acquire sales opportunities is one of our main goals. I believe that the term "business attorney" should include providing a legal shield to protect the business and its ownership and to help find ways to make that business more profitable through business development and marketing strategies.
Our service mindset is to become a part of your business team and work alongside you and your employees or consultants to make your business the best it can be to deliver quality products and services to your customers and scale your business growth to it's next levels.
What Makes Us Different
We bring our unique legal skills to your team as well as results oriented marketing and advertising expertise. What this means is you not only get marketing help that generates sales but also access to general legal counsel on business matters that don't require court appearances or representations in a lawyer capacity. This service alone would cost you thousands of dollars otherwise. Schedule a FREE call and lets talk about how we can help you.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Since Roy Landers started his work as our general counsel, it has felt like we have added a power player to our construction team. Having the peace of mind that comes with having someone so competent and capable in our corner is not something that we can put a price on.
He has saved us not only time and money, but also an amazing amount of stress and indecision. I would heartily recommend Roy to friends and family and consider hiring him to be one of the best decisions we have ever made."
Melissa McCabe Navoroli McCabe's Landscape Construction.
Roy has helped me tremendously with his valuable legal and business advice in the operation of my AAMCO Transmission and U-Haul rental business. Through his guidance, I have learned to develop the ideal customer profile for my businesses and to target my marketing more directly.
As a result, my marketing costs have gone down which makes my profits go up. I recommend Roy and his services to anyone in business or thinking of starting one.
George M. Love, Owner AAMCO Transmission & Total Car Care.
Roy’s content marketing and legal skills have help me transcend from being a nurse working for others in the healthcare industry to becoming an entrepreneur. Under his guidance and coaching I have gone from not having a clue on how to create a viable business to understanding how to create a business model that works.
As a result, I can launch my own nurse entrepreneur academy to help other nurses establish their own independent businesses and support them in their growth.
Roy also generously provides legal guidance along with this vast marketing experience. This a big plus. I highly recommend his services.
Bobbie Battle-Carter, RN, BSN, MSN
Our Email Marketing Services
If you're like most small to medium sized businesses you don't have the time or perhaps the skills to create and implement an effective email marketing platform. We can help with that.
We can create individual or a bundle of designed content especially for your business to communicate your marketing message and generate sales while freeing you up to keep doing the things you do best.
We start out with performing a total email marketing analysis of your website and its contents. This Free service has a real market value of $2000.
Why would we do it for FREE? Because we believe we should give value before creating a money spending experience for our clients and customers. We give you value then it's likely you'll give us your business and an opportunity to build a long term working relationship.
Contact us and let's create a win-win relationship: or schedule a call below.